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Self Help Books & Informative Reading

Addiction To Prescription Pain Killers and The Street Drug Heroin
A Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Opioid Dependency and Opioid Addiction
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Thoughts & Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods and Your Life
Thoughts & Feelings adapts the powerful and widely adaptable techniques of ...
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Methadone: Bad Boy of Drug Treatment: What Works & What Doesn't
Methadone: Bad Boy of Drug Treatment: What Works & What Doesn't
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Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid AddictionFacts for Families and Friends
Gives families and friends information about medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. Describes prescribed opioid medications, their proper use and side effects, withdrawal symptoms, and how medications fit with counseling in the recovery process.
Faces of ChangeDo I Have a Problem with Alcohol or Drugs?
Uses the fotonovela format to explore the lives of five characters with different alcohol abuse and drug abuse problems and to illustrate the stages of change and the value of treatment, recovery, and motivational incentives. Includes a change plan worksheet.
Methadone & YOUIntroducing the Road to Recovery
Over the past 35 years, methadone has helped millions of people get off the endless roller coaster of opioid drug addiction. They improved their health, worked steady jobs or returned to school, gained happier family and social lives, and finally started feeling good about themselves. If that sounds good to you, and is what you want, then you are ready to start on your own...road to recovery.
Methadone Dosing & SafetyMethadone Dosing & Safety in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Stewart B. Leavitt, PhD; Editor, AT Forum
Anger Management Workbook for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Participant Workbook
Designed for use by participants in group cognitive behavioral therapy sessions on anger management for people with substance abuse problems or mental illness. Summarizes core concepts for each session; includes worksheets and homework assignments.
Counselor's Treatment ManualMatrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People With Stimulant Use Disorders